Phillip Shaibu – APC Confident of Victory Ahead of September 21 Elections

Phillip Shaibu - Apc Confident Of Victory Ahead Of September 21 Elections

Phillip Shaibu, a staunch APC figure, voiced optimism that the people of Edo have made their choice, and the opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is crumbling under the weight of internal strife and defections. As the September 21 election approaches in Edo State, the All Progressives Congress (APC) is confident of a decisive victory, according to statements made by Philip Shaibu, the deputy governor.

In a direct attack on Governor Godwin Obaseki, Phillip Shaibu claimed that PDP’s once-strong political machinery has weakened significantly, with many members shifting allegiance to the APC. “What is left of the PDP is just Obaseki and his so-called group,” he said during a media briefing.

Phillip Shaibu: PDP’s Heart Has Moved to APC

According to Philip Shaibu, the recent exodus of key members from PDP to APC is a clear indication of where Edo people’s loyalties lie. He stated that the “heart” of the PDP has effectively transferred to the APC, leaving Governor Obaseki isolated. The deputy governor emphasized that the mass defection of political heavyweights and grassroots supporters demonstrates widespread dissatisfaction with Obaseki’s administration.

Phillip Shaibu’s rhetoric points to a shift in political power dynamics within the state, as former PDP loyalists rally behind the APC. He further asserted that the defections signal the collapse of PDP’s influence, making the APC the preferred choice for Edo’s upcoming elections.

Obaseki Criticized as a “Packed Governor

In a bold statement, Phillip Shaibu referred to Governor Obaseki as a “packed governor,” suggesting that his leadership has been anything but independent. Phillip Shaibu accused Obaseki of being a figurehead who has not delivered on his promises to the people of Edo. He described the governor’s administration as lacking substance and direction, claiming that Edo residents are disillusioned with his leadership.

The term “packed governor” was used to portray Obaseki as someone installed by external forces and without the support of the people. Phillip Shaibu believes that this perception is driving more Edo residents to back the APC for a fresh and dynamic leadership.

Edo People Seek Change, Reject Obaseki’s Leadership

According to Philip Shaibu, the mood across Edo is clear: the people no longer want what he calls a “packed governor.” He emphasized that Edo voters are demanding change, leadership that is rooted in local interests, and not one driven by external or elitist agendas. Phillip Shaibu painted a picture of discontent across various sectors of the state, from market women to youth groups, all clamoring for a different approach to governance.

Phillip Shaibu also underscored the significance of the September 21 election as a turning point for the state. He claimed that the APC offers the vision and leadership that will return power to the people, contrasting it with what he described as the stagnation of Obaseki’s administration.

APC Positioned as the Party of the People

Phillip Shaibu touted the APC as the party that truly represents the interests of Edo citizens. He highlighted the party’s grassroots support and the recent influx of former PDP members as evidence of its growing influence. According to him, the APC has not only the numbers but also the moral authority to govern, as it is seen as the party willing to listen to the needs of everyday Edo residents.

The deputy governor made it clear that the APC’s vision is to create a people-focused government, contrasting it with what he termed the “elitist” and “disconnected” administration of Governor Obaseki. Phillip Shaibu’s message centered on the idea that the APC is the only party with the capacity to transform Edo for the better.

PDP’s Decline Sets Stage for APC Victory

The weakening of the PDP, according to Philip Shaibu, is setting the stage for an APC victory come September 21. He cited several instances where key PDP figures have publicly defected to APC, describing these moves as a testament to Obaseki’s failure to keep his party united. The narrative presented by Shaibu is one of a crumbling PDP, whose leadership is disconnected from the reality on the ground.

Phillip Shaibu concluded by stating that the APC is not only prepared for victory but is also poised to deliver on its promises. The September 21 election, in his view, will be a referendum on Obaseki’s leadership, and the APC is ready to step in as the true representatives of the people.

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