Peter Obi Clarifies Misconceptions Surrounding Lagos-Calabar Coastal Super Highway Project

Peter Obi Clarifies

Former Governor Peter Obi has vehemently denied allegations of opposition to the construction of the Lagos-Calabar coastal super highway. In a recent statement, Peter Obi addressed what he described as a distortion of facts surrounding his actions and statements during his tenure as governor of Anambra State. He emphasized the importance of clarity and transparency in addressing these issues, aiming to set the record straight devoid of political rhetoric.

Peter Obi emphasized that during his governorship, he prioritized the removal of structures obstructing existing roads and lacking government approval. He clarified that any demolition initiated during his tenure was in line with existing policies and only targeted structures encroaching on roads or built without proper authorization. Peter Obi challenged critics to verify the validity of these claims, asserting that his actions were aimed at ensuring the safety and accessibility of infrastructure for all citizens.

Examples of Infrastructure Decisions

Providing concrete examples, Peter Obi highlighted specific decisions made during his tenure to illustrate his commitment to infrastructure development. He cited the case of the Onitsha North local government headquarters, which was situated on the only existing stadium. Peter Obi explained that the demolition and relocation of the headquarters were necessary to restore the stadium to its original purpose as a sporting facility for the community. Similar actions were taken with the Onitsha South Stadium, demonstrating a strategic approach to infrastructure management.

Peter Obi underscored his administration’s focus on prioritizing the repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure over projects that risked disruption and destruction. By reverting key facilities to their original purposes and honoring Nigerian sporting heroes through renaming ceremonies, Peter Obi aimed to emphasize the importance of preserving communal spaces for the benefit of all citizens.

Peter Obi Clarification on Road Construction Policies

In response to comparisons drawn between his actions on Brewery Road and the ongoing coastal super highway project, Peter Obi clarified his stance on infrastructure development. He emphasized that his administration never proposed creating new roads that would disrupt existing structures. Instead, the focus was on removing obstructions on existing roads to enhance accessibility and safety.

Peter Obi highlighted the contrast between his administration’s approach to infrastructure development and the current situation surrounding the Lagos-Calabar coastal road construction. He expressed concern over the destruction and disruption of jobs and livelihoods associated with the project, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that minimizes adverse impacts on communities.

Rejection of Allegations and Commitment to Unity

Finally, Peter Obi firmly rejected allegations of incitement against the government, dismissing them as unfounded distractions aimed at tarnishing his character. He reiterated his commitment to fostering constructive dialogue and inclusivity, refusing to engage in divisive politics. Peter Obi emphasized his dedication to serving with integrity and advocating for the rights and well-being of all Nigerians.

, Peter Obi reaffirmed his record as governor and rejected any attempts to distort the narrative for political gain. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing the needs of the people in development initiatives and urged all Nigerians to unite for a prosperous future.Peter Obi’s commitment to serving with integrity and maximizing the frugality of national resources remains unwavering.

Political Giants Clash Over Lagos-Calabar Coastal Superhighway Project: The Battle for Development vs. Personal Interests

The ongoing saga between Peter Obi and Dave Umahi regarding the Lagos-Calabar Coastal superhighway project has intensified, casting a shadow over the future of this crucial infrastructure endeavor. As two prominent political figures hailing from the Southeast region of Nigeria, their diverging viewpoints highlight a broader struggle between personal interests and national development priorities. In this report, we delve into the intricacies of their clash, emphasizing the imperative of prioritizing the welfare of average Nigerians over individual agendas.

Peter Obi, former governor of Anambra State and a vocal advocate for transparent governance, has vehemently opposed certain aspects of the Lagos-Calabar Coastal superhighway project. Citing concerns over environmental degradation, displacement of local communities, and potential financial mismanagement, Obi has called for greater scrutiny and accountability in the execution of the project. On the other hand, Dave Umahi, former governor of Ebonyi State and a staunch proponent of infrastructural development, has championed the superhighway as a catalyst for economic growth and regional connectivity. Umahi’s unwavering support for the project underscores his commitment to driving progress in his constituency and beyond

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