NARD: Nigerian Resident Doctors Launch 7-Day Warning Strike Over Kidnapped Colleague

Nard: Nigerian Resident Doctors Launch 7-Day Warning Strike Over Kidnapped Colleague

The Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) has initiated a 7-day nationwide warning strike today, August 26, 2024. This drastic action comes in response to the prolonged abduction of Dr. Ganiyat Popoola, a registrar in the Department of Ophthalmology at the National Eye Centre, Kaduna. Dr. Popoola was kidnapped on December 27, 2023, alongside her husband and nephew, with only her husband being released in March 2024.

NARD President Dr. Dele Abdullahi announced the strike, emphasizing its purpose to pressure the government into securing Dr. Popoola’s release. The association has expressed deep frustration over the government’s perceived inaction, despite numerous appeals and formal communications to relevant authorities over the past eight months.

NARD: Strike Action, Total Shutdown of Medical Services

The warning strike is set to be a complete cessation of medical services, with no provisions for emergency care or concessions. This unprecedented move underscores the gravity of the situation and NARD’s determination to force immediate government action on Dr. Popoola’s case.

While acknowledging the potential impact on healthcare services nationwide, NARD insists that the strike is a necessary last resort. The association argues that the government’s failure to respond effectively to their demands has left them with no alternative but to take this drastic step to bring attention to Dr. Popoola’s plight.

Dr. Ganiyat Popoola: A Respected Professional and Devoted Family Member

Colleagues describe Dr. Popoola as a dedicated professional, loving wife, and mother. Her abduction has left a significant void in both her family and the medical community, highlighting the personal and professional impact of her prolonged captivity.

The hashtag #BringBackDrGaniyat has gained traction on social media platforms, uniting the medical community and concerned citizens in their call for Dr. Popoola’s immediate release. This grassroots movement underscores the widespread concern for her safety and the desire for swift resolution.

NARD: Government’s Inaction Raises Concerns About Healthcare Worker Safety

The perceived lack of progress in securing Dr. Popoola’s release has raised serious questions about the government’s commitment to protecting healthcare workers. NARD reports having sent multiple communications to various authorities, including the Department of State Service, National Intelligence Agency, and the Inspector General of Police, all without satisfactory response.

The government’s silence on this matter has been met with growing criticism from medical professionals and the public alike. Many are questioning whether sufficient efforts are being made to ensure Dr. Popoola’s safe return and to address the broader issue of healthcare worker security in Nigeria.

Impact of Strike on Nigeria’s Healthcare System

The 7-day warning strike is expected to have far-reaching consequences on Nigeria’s already strained healthcare system. With resident doctors forming a crucial component of the medical workforce, their absence will likely lead to significant disruptions in patient care, particularly in public hospitals.

Health experts warn that the strike could exacerbate existing challenges in healthcare delivery, potentially leading to increased morbidity and mortality rates. The situation underscores the urgent need for a resolution to prevent further deterioration of healthcare services across the country.

NARD’s Demands and Future Plans

NARD has outlined clear demands for the government, chief among them being the immediate and safe release of Dr. Popoola and her nephew. The association is also calling for enhanced security measures to protect healthcare workers, especially those in high-risk areas.

Dr. Abdullahi has stated that if their demands are not met within the 7-day strike period, NARD will consider escalating their actions. This could potentially include an indefinite strike, further compounding the crisis in Nigeria’s healthcare sector. The coming days will be crucial in determining the trajectory of this unfolding situation and its impact on the nation’s healthcare landscape.

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