NANTA Members Condemn Emirates’ Controversial Dollar Ticketing Policy

Nanta Members Condemn Emirates’ Controversial Dollar Ticketing Policy

The (NANTA) National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies has announced plans to initiate discussions with Emirates Airlines following the carrier’s controversial decision to sell tickets in U.S. dollars to Nigerian customers. This move by Emirates has sparked significant concern among NANTA members, as it appears to contravene Nigerian law, which mandates that all transactions within the country be conducted in the local currency, the naira.

Susan Akpdoriaye, the former President of NANTA, voiced her discontent with the airline’s unilateral decision to sell tickets in dollars, questioning the legitimacy of such a move without appropriate governmental authorization. She emphasized that NANTA is perplexed by the government’s seemingly contradictory stance, allowing Emirates to implement a policy that directly violates national law. To address these concerns, NANTA has resolved to engage Emirates in discussions, aiming to present their grievances and explore potential alternatives to this new ticketing policy.

Emirates’ Decision Sparks Concerns Over Dollar Demand

The decision by Emirates to conduct ticket sales in dollars has raised alarm among members of NANTA, who fear that this could lead to an increased demand for foreign currency, exacerbating existing economic challenges in Nigeria. Yinka Folami, the current President of NANTA, highlighted that the policy could marginalize a significant portion of the association’s members, potentially excluding up to 70% of them from participating in the travel business.

Folami also pointed out the ambiguity in Emirates’ current operational practices, noting that the airline has begun publishing fares in dollars, even though they have not fully resumed operations in the country. This has led to widespread speculation within the industry, with many believing that Emirates intends to move forward with dollar-only transactions. In response, NANTA is seeking clarification from the airline, aiming to verify their plans and to propose viable alternatives that could allow for broader participation in the industry.

NANTA Seeks Clarity on Emirates’ Ticket Sales Policy

NANTA is actively seeking clarification from Emirates regarding their ticket sales policy, particularly the rationale behind the decision to price tickets exclusively in dollars. The association is concerned about the implications this decision might have on its members and the broader Nigerian travel industry, which has already been struggling with economic pressures and currency fluctuations.

Yinka Folami stated that NANTA’s priority is to understand whether Emirates intends to make dollar transactions the sole option or if they will offer flexibility by accepting payments in naira as well. This clarification is crucial for NANTA to assess the potential impact on its members and to determine the next steps in their ongoing engagement with the airline.

NANTA Proposes Alternative Solutions to Emirates

In response to Emirates’ dollar ticketing policy, NANTA has put forward a series of alternative solutions to mitigate the potential negative effects on the Nigerian travel industry. One of the key proposals is for Emirates to maintain an option for payment in naira, even if the airline prefers dollar transactions. NANTA believes that keeping a naira payment option open will help protect their members and the broader industry from the financial strain that a dollar-only policy might impose.

Susan Akpdoriaye emphasized that NANTA is committed to presenting these alternatives to Emirates, hoping to reach a compromise that balances the airline’s operational needs with the economic realities faced by Nigerian travel agencies. By doing so, National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies aims to ensure that the interests of their members are safeguarded while also maintaining a productive relationship with the airline.

Government’s Role in Emirates’ Decision Questioned

The role of the Nigerian government in Emirates’ decision to sell tickets in dollars has come under scrutiny from National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies members. The association is puzzled as to why the government would permit such a move, which seemingly violates the country’s legal framework that mandates all local transactions to be conducted in naira. This has led to questions about the government’s commitment to protecting the interests of Nigerian businesses and consumers in the face of international corporate policies.

Susan Akpdoriaye expressed her surprise at the government’s approval of Emirates’ dollar ticketing, suggesting that it could undermine the authority of local laws and set a concerning precedent for other international businesses operating in Nigeria. NANTA is therefore calling on the government to clarify its position and take steps to ensure that national laws are upheld in all business transactions.

NANTA’s Engagement with Emirates: A Way Forward

NANTA’s proactive engagement with Emirates represents a constructive approach to resolving the ongoing concerns surrounding the airline’s dollar ticketing policy. By initiating dialogue and proposing alternative solutions, National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies aims to find a mutually beneficial resolution that addresses the needs of all parties involved, including Emirates, Nigerian travel agencies, and consumers.

Yinka Folami stressed that National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies is dedicated to finding a solution that works for everyone, noting that their discussions with Emirates are a positive step towards achieving this goal. The association hopes that through open communication and collaboration, they can prevent any further disruption to the Nigerian travel industry and ensure that their members can continue to operate successfully within the current economic landscape.

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