Minister of Agriculture Sen. Abubakar Kyari Unveils Ambitious Plan to Slash Food Prices Within 180 Days

Minister Of Agriculture Sen. Abubakar Kyari Unveils Ambitious Plan To Slash Food Prices Within 180 Days

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari, revealed on Wednesday that the government expects a substantial decrease in food prices over the next 180 days. This forecast is based on a series of strategic measures designed to tackle the high food prices that have been affecting the nation. The administration’s initiatives aim to address the root causes of food inflation, ensuring affordable and accessible food for all citizens.

The government’s strategic measures include a 150-day duty-free import window for food commodities, suspension of duties and taxes on essential food items, and a recommended retail price (RRP) for imported food commodities. Additionally, the government plans to ramp up production for the 2024/2025 farming cycle, enhance nutrition security, and promote livestock development. These initiatives demonstrate the government’s commitment to ensuring food security and affordability for all Nigerians.

Sen. Abubakar Kyari: 150-Day Duty-Free Import Window for Food Commodities

In a bid to combat high food prices, the government has announced the suspension of duties, tariffs, and taxes on the importation of select food commodities for 150 days. This move aims to increase food availability and reduce prices. The affected food commodities include maize, husked brown rice, wheat, and cowpeas, which are essential staples for many Nigerian households.

To ensure that the benefit of this policy is passed on to consumers, the government has introduced a Recommended Retail Price (RRP) for these imported food commodities. This measure will not only make food more affordable but also guarantee a certain level of quality. By controlling prices and ensuring quality, the government aims to protect consumers and provide relief from high food prices. This move is expected to have a positive impact on food security and affordability in the country.

Sen. Abubakar Kyari: Ramp-Up of Production for the 2024/2025 Farming Cycle

The government has announced plans to ramp up production for the 2024/2025 farming cycle, aiming to increase food output and security. To achieve this, the government will continue supporting smallholder farmers during the ongoing wet season farming, building on existing initiatives. This support will enable farmers to increase their yields and improve their livelihoods.

To further boost production, the government plans to strengthen and accelerate dry season farming nationwide, leveraging innovative techniques and technologies. Additionally, the government will embark on aggressive agricultural mechanization, providing farmers with access to modern tools and equipment. This comprehensive approach will enhance efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in the agricultural sector, driving growth and development.

Sen. Abubakar Kyari: Enhancement of Nutrition Security

Sen. Abubakar Kyari says that the government has set its sights on enhancing nutrition security by promoting the production of fortified food commodities. This strategic move aims to ensure that citizens have access to nutrient-dense foods, crucial for optimal health and well-being. By prioritizing nutrition security, the government seeks to address the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies and related health issues.

To achieve this goal, the government plans to support the scale-up of the Home Garden Initiative, empowering individuals to grow their own nutrient-rich foods. Additionally, strategic engagement will be developed to encourage youth and women to engage in immediate greenhouse cultivation of horticultural crops. This approach will not only enhance nutrition security but also promote sustainable agriculture practices and gender equality in the agricultural sector.

Sen. Abubakar Kyari: Strategic Engagement for Youth and Women

Sen. Abubakar Kyari explains that the government is set to develop strategic engagement programs for youth and women, empowering them to take the lead in greenhouse cultivation of horticultural crops like tomatoes and peppers. This initiative aims to unlock the potential of young people and women in agriculture, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable food system. By providing training, resources, and support, the government seeks to encourage their active participation in the agricultural sector.

The initiative aims to increase production volume, stabilize prices, and address food shortages in the country. By promoting greenhouse cultivation of horticultural crops, the government seeks to enhance food security and availability, particularly in urban areas. This move is expected to reduce the country’s reliance on imported produce, promote economic growth, and create jobs for young people and women in the agricultural sector.

Sen. Abubakar Kyari: Renewed Hope National Livestock Transformation

The government has taken a significant step towards transforming the livestock sector by inaugurating the National Livestock Transformation Implementation Committee. This committee will develop and implement policies that prioritize livestock development, aligning with the National Livestock Transformation Plan. The initiative aims to enhance the productivity and efficiency of the livestock industry, promoting sustainable growth and development.

To oversee the implementation of the National Livestock Transformation Plan, the government has established a dedicated Ministry of Livestock Development. This ministry will play a crucial role in coordinating policies, programs, and projects aimed at transforming the livestock sector. By establishing a specialized ministry, the government demonstrates its commitment to prioritizing livestock development and ensuring the sector’s contribution to national food security and economic growth.

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