Liz Cheney Speaks Out: GOP’s 2020 Election Denial Should Be Disqualified

Liz Cheney, Interview With Jake Tapper On Cnn'S State Of The Union

Liz Cheney, the Republican former representative, in recent interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union to emphasize the importance of discarding the fringe elements within the Republican party who still refuse to acknowledge the reality that Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election and that Joe Biden is the legally elected president. Cheney, a staunch defender of democracy, asserted that allowing such election lies to persist is eroding the very fabric of American democracy.

Liz Cheney’s Bold Stance on the Republican Fringe

During the interview, Rep. Liz Cheney made a series of powerful statements, denouncing the unfounded claims of election fraud and the violence that has stemmed from such falsehoods. She stated, “I hope that people understand the connection between continuing the lie that Donald Trump lost the election and the political violence we’ve witnessed across the country.”

Trump’s Influence on Politics and Violence

Jake Tapper sought Rep. Cheney’s insights on whether Trump’s political style has contributed to the current state of demonization and violence in politics. Cheney unflinchingly replied, “I think he certainly would have to trace it back to Donald Trump. We now know that the lie about the election was very effective in sparking violence, and it hasn’t stopped.”

Election Denial and Its Disqualification

Cheney also addressed the current candidates for the House Speaker position, many of whom are election denial proponents. She remarked, “Over 140 members of the House Republican conference voted to object after the violence. It certainly should be a disqualification if they cannot acknowledge the rulings of the courts and the constitutional processes that unfolded.”

Election Denial Running For House Speaker, Liz Cheney Said Election Denial Is Disqualification
Election Denial Running for House Speaker, Liz Cheney said Election Denial is Disqualification

The Struggle for the Soul of the Republican Party

Tapper pointed out the growing divide within the Republican Party, emphasizing that a majority of Republican voters and House Republicans now believe in conspiracy theories. Cheney replied, “We have to have a party that gets back to advocating conservative policies and embracing the Constitution, which is not what the Republican Party is doing today.”

Witnessing the Evolution: A Touching Tale

Rep. Liz Cheney revealed that she has been working on a book, set for release in December, that delves into the evolution inside the Republican conference and how people have come to accept behavior they never would have before. She explained, “It’s a touchy fairy tale because it happened very easily, and people chose Trump over the Constitution.”

Rep. Liz Cheney with Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union

Investigating January 6th and the Trump Associates’ Testimonies

Liz Cheney also spoke about the plea deals from key Trump associates in Fulton County and their willingness to testify. She stated, “In both cases, we know they were directly involved in schemes to overturn the election. At the end of the day, Donald Trump oversaw everything.”

The interview continued with a discussion about consequences for Donald Trump’s false claims and attacks, including smearing individuals without evidence. Rep. Cheney acknowledged the seriousness of these issues and the danger they pose to democracy.

Rep. Liz Cheney’s unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, her criticism of election deniers within her party, and her investigation into the events of January 6th illustrate the complex and challenging political landscape that the United States currently faces. Her powerful words serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle within the Republican Party and the broader fight to protect the institutions of American democracy.

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