Gen. Abubakar Haruna GOC 7 Division Visits Nigerian Army in Sambisa Forest

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The acting General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the 7 Division and Commander Sector 1 of the Nigerian Army, Brig. Gen. Abubakar Haruna, recently visited the frontline troops engaged in combat against Boko Haram in the notorious Sambisa Forest. During this morale-boosting visit, Gen. Abubakar Haruna commended the troops for their remarkable success in a 10-day operation known as “Operation Desert Sanity III,” which resulted in the elimination of 21 Boko Haram terrorists and the rescue of 386 civilians. This operation not only disrupted the terrorists’ camps but also provided an opportunity for some militants to surrender.

Gen. Abubakar Haruna praised the exceptional performance and professionalism displayed by the troops during this critical mission. He highlighted the collaborative efforts of the Special Forces, the troops of the 21 Armoured Brigade, the Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF), and other hybrid forces. Their collective dedication has significantly contributed to restoring peace and normalcy in the North East region, a key objective for the Nigerian military.

Ensuring Peace and Normalcy

Addressing the troops at the outskirts of Sambisa Forest in Konduga Local Government Area (LGA), Gen. Abubakar Haruna emphasized the importance of sustaining the momentum achieved during “Operation Desert Sanity III.” He conveyed the Chief of Army Staff’s satisfaction with their performance and reiterated the significance of their sacrifices for the nation. The troops’ efforts have not gone unnoticed, and their commitment to peace and stability in the region has been greatly appreciated.

Gen. Haruna’s visit underscored the Nigerian Army’s ongoing support and solidarity with the frontline soldiers. He acknowledged the challenging conditions they face and assured them of continuous backing from the higher command. This gesture aims to boost the morale of the troops, reinforcing their determination to continue the fight against terrorism and insurgency in the region.

Gen. Abubakar Haruna Goc 7 Division Visits Nigerian Army In Sambisa Forest
Gen. Abubakar haruna goc 7 division visits nigerian army in sambisa forest

Acknowledgment of Sacrifices By Gen. Abubakar Haruna

In his address, Gen. Haruna highlighted the personal sacrifices made by the soldiers to ensure the safety and security of the North East. He recognized their bravery and the hardships they endure in the battle against Boko Haram. The operation’s success in rescuing civilians and eliminating terrorists marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to secure the region and protect its inhabitants from extremist threats says Gen Haruna

The visit by Gen. Abubakar Haruna serves as a testament to the Nigerian Army’s commitment to its troops and the mission at hand. It reinforces the message that their hard work and dedication are crucial to the broader goal of achieving lasting peace and security. By stopping their usual activities to personally commend the troops, the leadership of the Nigerian Army has shown that they stand firmly behind their soldiers, appreciating and valuing every effort made in the fight against terrorism.

Gen. Abubakar Haruna Urges Troops to Hasten Insurgency Defeat

Gen. Abubakar Haruna has called upon officers and soldiers to intensify their efforts to defeat insurgency in the region. Addressing the troops, he emphasized the importance of commitment and assured them that their dedication would lead to a resounding success for everyone involved. He highlighted the significance of their mission to eliminate the remnants of terrorists in Sambisa Forest and provide an opportunity for those willing to surrender.

The Gen. Abubakar Haruna message comes at a crucial time, as the military continues to make significant strides against Boko Haram. He expressed confidence that the ongoing operations would encourage more terrorists to lay down their arms, noting that there had already been a number of surrenders. General Haruna’s rallying call aims to boost morale and ensure that the momentum against the insurgents is maintained.

Troops Achieve Major Victories Against Boko Haram

In recent operations, troops have successfully cleared multiple Boko Haram strongholds, including Lawanti, Ukuba, Farisu, Sabil Huda, Njimia, Garin Gulukos, Garin Falluja, Shababul Ummah, Garin Pannel, and Lagara Anguwan Gwai Gwai. These operations have led to the elimination of numerous terrorists, including their commanders, and the recovery of a wide array of arms, equipment, and armored vehicles.

The military’s achievements extend beyond combat victories. General Haruna reported that 386 civilians were rescued, with more expected to be freed in the coming days. Some of the rescued individuals revealed that they had been held captive for a decade. These civilians will receive medical support and rehabilitation to aid in their recovery and reintegration.

Gratitude was extended to the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, for his unwavering support, which has been instrumental in these successes. Additionally, Major General Waidi Shuaibu, the Theatre Commander of North East Operation Hadin Kai Joint Task Force, was commended for his strategic guidance and supervision that have driven the operations’ success

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