Federal Government Vows to Crack Down on Abandoned Projects to Address Housing Shortage

Federal Government Vows To Crack Down On Abandoned Projects To Address Housing Shortage

Nigeria Federal Government in resounding declaration of its commitment to addressing the housing shortage across the country through the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa, has issued a stern warning to developers and contractors who abandon their projects. Mr. Dangiwa’s statements came during a recent familiarization visit to project sites initiated in 2019 and constructed by the government and its agencies in the nation’s capital, Abuja. The minister’s message underscores the government’s determination to eliminate the scourge of abandoned projects, which have plagued the housing sector for years.

A Visit to Project Sites in Abuja

During his visit, Mr. Dangiwa inspected two notable projects – the 1,250-unit Estate in Jibi, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), and a condominium consisting of 24 units of flats with 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms, also located in FCT. The projects represent a significant investment by the government to provide much-needed housing for Nigerians.

Federal Government Would Not Tolerate Unserious Contractors

Minister Dangiwa minced no words in his address, making it clear that the government would no longer tolerate developers and contractors who fail to complete their projects. He emphasized the need for every project site to be cleared of weeds, reflecting the government’s renewed focus on ensuring that housing projects are completed on time and within budget.

Federal Government Vows To Crack Down On Abandoned Projects To Address Housing Shortage
Federal government vows to crack down on abandoned projects to address housing shortage

“As of the moment, what we are telling most of the contractors is that we will no longer tolerate any abandoned projects. We intend to recoup the investment done by the government earlier on,” said Mr. Dangiwa. He went on to state, “So all construction sites that have been abandoned, we are inviting all the developers to come and sit down with us and know the reason why they abandoned it.”

Prioritizing Developers with the Capacity to Deliver

In a bid to enhance the efficiency of housing projects and ensure their timely progress, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development has placed a strong emphasis on a stringent evaluation process. This evaluation process is geared towards identifying and collaborating with developers and contractors who demonstrate the requisite managerial acumen and financial strength to drive housing projects to successful completion.

In accordance with this objective, the Federal Government has undertaken a proactive approach by prioritizing partnerships with seasoned and capable developers who exhibit a proven track record in fulfilling their commitments and delivering housing solutions that meet the needs of the populace. This strategic alignment with proficient stakeholders within the construction and real estate sector underscores the government’s commitment to the nation’s housing sector and its dedication to fostering a climate of reliability and accountability in the pursuit of affordable and accessible housing for all Nigerians.

Federal Government Desires Affordable Housing for All Nigerians

Mr. Dangiwa’s visit to the Brains and Hammers Estate, funded by the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria, underscores the government’s commitment to providing affordable housing. The estate, with a total of 1,250 units, is one of the largest ever funded by the Federal Mortgage Bank. Notably, the housing units are nearing completion, and off-takers have already expressed their interest.

The Minister’s emphasis on affordability and the importance of making these housing units accessible to ordinary Nigerians aligns with the vision of President Bola Tinubu, who is passionate about providing affordable housing for the nation. The government’s renewed efforts aim to ensure that all Nigerians, regardless of their income, can find suitable housing options, whether it’s high-earning housing, social housing, or affordable housing.

The Federal Government‘s unwavering commitment to addressing the housing shortage by cracking down on abandoned projects and engaging with capable developers signals a new era in Nigeria’s housing sector. With the Minister of Housing and Urban Development taking a firm stance, Nigerians can look forward to more opportunities for affordable housing and an improved housing market that caters to the needs of millions across the country.


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