Donald Trump’s Trial: If the Public Were the Jury Today, He’d Be in Big Trouble for 2024 Election

Rule Of Law Finally Winning? Donald Trump'S Poll Ratings Reach Rock Bottom After 91 Indictments.

Donald Trump fate becomes shaky in a recent poll that sounds more like a script written after his courtroom drama. It turns out that if the fate of former President Trump were in the hands of the public, he might be sweating a bit (or a lot).

Public Opinion on Trump’s 2020 Election Shenanigans and Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Role

According to the Emerson College survey, conducted in the bustling heart of Washington, D.C., where politics is practically a contact sport, a whopping 64 percent of respondents seem ready to slap the “guilty” label on Trump for his alleged shenanigans during the 2020 election. Meanwhile, 28 percent appear to be in the “not guilty” camp, and a precious 8 percent seem to be living on an “I’m not sure” island of indecision.

Now, let’s talk about Special Counsel Jack Smith, who sounds like a character right out of a detective novel. He led the federal investigation that led to Trump’s third indictment.

According to this legal thriller, Donald Trump and his pals apparently thought it was a good idea to “exploit the violence and chaos at the Capitol” by trying to persuade lawmakers to delay certifying the 2020 election. The charges against Trump include a conspiracy to defraud the United States, a conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of said official proceeding, and even a conspiracy against rights. It’s like a menu of legal trouble!

But here’s where it gets even more entertaining: The poll found that women seem more convinced than men that Trump is guilty in this election case. Ladies are saying “guilty” by a 75-54 percent margin, while the gentlemen are a bit more cautious, with a 54 percent “guilty” vote.

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Independent Voters, Republican Split, and Jury Aspirations

Now, for the independent voters, those folks who march to the beat of their own political drum. About 53 percent of them are giving Trump the side-eye of guilt, making it clear that they’re not easily swayed. But as for Republicans, they’re having a bit of a family feud. It’s like a political version of “Choose Your Own Adventure.” Thirty-six percent believe Donald Trump is guilty, 35 percent think he’s as innocent as a puppy, and 30 percent are just plain old confused.

What’s more, a surprising majority from both sides of the aisle, 61 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Democrats, seem to think Trump will end up being found guilty. The independents, ever the wild card, are somewhere in between at 48 percent.

Now, when asked if they’d like a front-row seat as jurors in this legal circus, 55 percent said, “Sign me up!” Meanwhile, 45 percent wisely decided that watching this show from a distance is probably best for their mental health.

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The Relationship Between Jury Aspirations and Donald Trump Trial Views

Spencer Kimball, the executive director of Emerson College Polling, chimed in with a nugget of wisdom, saying that the poll suggests that those who are more impartial about the trial are less enthusiastic about being part of the jury. Surprise, surprise! Of those who eagerly want to serve as jurors and find Trump guilty, the numbers are 68 percent to 9 percent, respectively, with 23 percent still scratching their heads. Those who don’t want to serve on this rollercoaster of justice also think Trump is guilty by a 60-6 percent margin, with 34 percent presumably waiting for a sign from the legal heavens.

So, whether you’re Team Guilty, Team Not Guilty, or Team Can I Get a Refund on My Jury Duty, it’s safe to say that if the public had the final say, Donald Trump might be in a pickle. But let’s not forget, this is all in good humor, folks! The real courtroom drama is yet to unfold.

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