Democrats Tension Grows as Biden Campaign Fires Back at Obama’s Doubts

Democrats Tension Grows As Biden Campaign Fires Back At Obama'S Doubts

The Joe Biden campaign has launched a scathing counterattack against former President Barack Obama and other prominent Democrats who have expressed doubts about Biden’s ability to win the upcoming presidential race. In a strongly worded statement, the Biden camp accused Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of being “the same people who literally gave us all Donald Trump in 2015.”

The campaign’s aggressive pushback comes in response to reported calls from these Democratic leaders for Biden to reconsider his run for the presidency. A source close to the Biden campaign told NBC News, “Can we all just remember for a minute that these are the same people who are trying to push Joe Biden out are the same people who literally gave us all Donald Trump in 2015? Obama, Pelosi, Schumer pushed back then in favor of Hillary. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.”

Biden Campaign Polls and Projections: A Contentious Issue

The Biden campaign has sought to downplay concerns over recent poll numbers, pointing to polling data from 2016 that showed Hillary Clinton leading Trump by as much as nine points. The same source added, “How did this all work out for everyone back in 2016?” This statement appears to be a direct challenge to those citing current polls as evidence of Biden’s potential weakness in the race.

However, recent polls have shown Biden trailing Trump in several key battleground states, including New Mexico, Minnesota, Virginia, and New Hampshire. A CBS poll has Biden down by five points nationally. These numbers have contributed to growing anxiety among Democratic leaders and donors about Biden’s chances in November.

Biden Campaign: Obama’s Concerns and Media Reports

According to reports in The New York Times and The Washington Post, sources close to former President Barack Obama have expressed concerns about President Biden’s ability to remain at the top of the ticket. One source reportedly said that Obama sees Biden’s victory as “getting harder.”

The Washington Post further reported that Obama has suggested Biden needs to “seriously consider the viability of his candidacy.” These comments, if accurate, represent a significant shift in Obama’s public stance on his former vice president’s re-election bid.

Democratic Leadership’s Growing Unease

It’s not just Obama who has reportedly expressed doubts. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton have all reportedly voiced concerns directly to President Biden about his chances of winning and potentially damaging his legacy.

This growing chorus of concern from top Democratic figures represents a significant challenge for the Biden campaign. It suggests a widening rift within the party leadership over the best path forward in the upcoming election.

Biden Campaign Fundraising Challenges and Donor Hesitation

Reports indicate that the Biden campaign is facing significant fundraising challenges. NBC News reported that Biden’s team may expect to raise only 25% of the big donor money it had originally projected for July. This shortfall in fundraising could have serious implications for the campaign’s ability to compete effectively in key battleground states.

Moreover, there are indications that some donors are becoming hesitant to continue funding what they perceive as a potentially losing campaign. This reluctance extends beyond just the presidential race, potentially impacting Democratic candidates running for the House and Senate as well.

Biden’s Mental Fitness: A Growing Concern

One of the most significant challenges facing the Biden campaign is the growing public perception about the President’s mental fitness for office. Recent polls suggest that a large majority of voters – reportedly upwards of 80% – have concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities.

This perception issue is particularly troubling for the campaign, as it goes beyond policy disagreements or typical political criticisms. If these numbers are accurate, they represent a fundamental question about Biden’s capacity to serve as President, which could be extremely difficult to overcome in a general election.

Tensions Between Obama and Biden Campaign

Reports suggest that there has been longstanding tension between the Obama and Biden camps, which has intensified in recent weeks. Sources indicate that this friction has existed throughout both men’s presidencies but has reached a new level of intensity.

Some members of Biden’s inner circle are reportedly frustrated with Obama, blaming him for not quelling but rather fueling concerns about Biden’s candidacy. This includes criticism of Obama’s perceived role in amplifying the impact of George Clooney’s recent New York Times op-ed, which raised questions about Biden’s electability.

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