Afe Babalola University Founder Decries Politics as a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ we at the 11th Convocation Ceremony

Afe Babalola, Voiced His Disapproval Of Nigerian Politic

Afe Babalola, in a thought-provoking speech delivered during the 11th convocation ceremony of Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), suggests that politics in Nigeria is a get rich quick scheme rather than an avenue to serve the people.

The renowned legal luminary and founder of the institution, Afe Babalola, voiced his disapproval of Nigerian politics on October 21st, 2023. His words were a sharp indictment of the state of politics in Nigeria, resonating with a diverse audience of students, faculty, and dignitaries in attendance.

Babalola’s stark observation came to light as he recounted an incident from his tenure as the Pro-Chancellor of the University of Lagos. During his speech, he revealed a disheartening anecdote: “I was the Pro-Chancellor of the University of Lagos, and a young man came out with first class in Chemistry and had the highest score that year. I called him and said, ‘I am going to give you a scholarship to do your master’s.'”

Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti 11Th Convocation Ceremony
Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti 11th Convocation Ceremony

Afe Babalola, citing his personalexperience said, ‘My colleague who was in class with me in secondary school did not go to university; he is the chairman of the local government of my place. He is riding a car; he has a house.’ I was depressed. I said, ‘What do you want to do now?’ He said, ‘I want to go into politics.’ I wept inside me. That is what your country has made of Nigeria. The only business in this country today which is lucrative is politics.”

The Quest for Quality Education in Nigeria

During his speech at the ABUAD convocation, Afe Babalola did not only criticize Nigerian politics but also emphasized the need for quality education in the country. Babalola pointed out that the true problem facing Nigeria is a crisis of leadership in Africa. He remarked, “Our problem in this country is leadership in Africa. People believe that when they come out of university, they should go and work or alternatively, go into politics.”

His conviction that quality education holds the key to addressing this leadership crisis was underscored when he said, “What we need in this country is quality education. When you have quality education, you have power, and when you have power, every other thing submerges.”

Afe babalola university ado-ekiti 11th convocation ceremony 2023

A Legacy of Excellence at Afe Babalola University

Afe Babalola’s address to the convocation ceremony at ABUAD, which bears his name, exemplifies the university’s commitment to providing quality education. The institution has consistently striven to nurture young minds and instill in them values that go beyond academic achievements. This commitment is evident in the numerous scholarships, programs, and opportunities that the university provides to its students.

Challenges and Opportunities in Nigerian Politics

Afe Babalola’s critique of Nigerian politics as a “get rich quick scheme” raises important questions about the state of governance and the opportunities available to young graduates. It serves as a call to action for the country’s leaders to address the systemic issues that may drive talented individuals away from contributing to the nation’s development in more constructive ways. The need for transparent and accountable leadership in Nigerian politics remains a pressing issue that requires attention and reform.

Shaping the Future through Quality Education

The convocation ceremony at Afe Babalola University serves as a reminder of the crucial role quality education plays in shaping the future of Nigeria. Afe Babalola’s impassioned speech calls upon educational institutions, policymakers, and society at large to prioritize education as the cornerstone of national progress and development.

In conclusion, Afe Babalola’s address at the 11th convocation ceremony of Afe Babalola University sparked a significant debate about the state of politics in Nigeria and the importance of quality education in shaping the nation’s future. His critique serves as a powerful reminder of the challenges and opportunities facing young graduates in Nigeria, and his vision for the country’s future emphasizes the transformative potential of education. The call for leadership reform and a renewed focus on quality education is a message that resonates not only with the ABUAD community but with the entire nation.

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