President Biden Warns Against Offensive Weapons for Potential Rafah Assault

President Biden Warns Against Offensive Weapons For Potential Rafah Assault

In a move that highlights growing tensions between the United States and its longtime ally Israel, President Joe Biden has clearly stated that he would not supply offensive weapons that could be used by Israel to launch an all-out assault on Rafah, the last major Hamas stronghold in Gaza. Speaking in an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Biden expressed concern for the well-being of the over 1 million civilians sheltering in Rafah.

While reaffirming the U.S. commitment to Israel’s defense and the continued supply of defensive arms like Iron Dome rocket interceptors, Biden drew a firm line on providing weapons and artillery shells that could be used in an offensive against Rafah. “If they go into Rafah, we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used,” he said.

Diplomatic Rift Widens as Biden Pauses Heavy Bomb Shipment to Israel

Biden’s comments and his recent decision to pause a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel mark a growing divergence between his administration and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. The shipment, which was put on hold last week, consisted of 1,800 2,000-pound (900-kilogram) bombs and 1,700 500-pound (225-kilogram) bombs, according to a senior U.S. official.

The primary concern for the Joe administration is the potential use of these larger explosives in densely populated urban areas like Rafah. “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers,” Biden told CNN, adding that he had made it clear to Israel that if they enter Rafah, he would not supply the weapons historically used in such operations.

While the U.S. has historically provided substantial military aid to Israel, the ongoing conflict with Hamas and the mounting civilian casualties in Gaza have led the. Biden administration to take a more cautious stance, signaling a widening diplomatic rift between the two long-standing allies.

Biden Administration Pauses Weapons Shipment to Israel Amid Escalating Gaza Conflict. Biden’s Warning on Gaza Invasion

President Joe Biden has issued a stern warning to Israel, signaling that the United States will not support Israel’s ability to wage war in Gaza. In a move aimed at curbing the violence, the Biden administration has paused the transfer of high-payload munitions to Israel. This decision comes as tensions escalate between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.
“. We’re not walking away from Israel’s security,” Joe clarified. “We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas.” The pause on weapons shipments is seen as a calculated effort to prevent a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, a densely populated city in Gaza, which Biden has repeatedly cautioned against.

Reviewing Security Assistance and Assessing Civilian Impact

The Biden administration is also set to deliver a first-of-its-kind formal verdict this week on whether the airstrikes on Gaza and restrictions on the delivery of aid have violated international and U.S. laws designed to protect civilians from the worst horrors of war. A decision against Israel would further increase pressure on Biden to curb the flow of weapons and money to Israel’s military.
In April, the administration began reviewing future transfers of military assistance as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government appeared to move closer toward an invasion of Rafah, despite months of opposition from the White House.

Backlash and Bipartisan Concerns

The decision to pause the weapons shipment has drawn sharp criticism from both sides of the aisle. House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell condemned the move, stating that they only learned about the military aid holdup from press reports, despite assurances from the Biden administration that no such pauses were in the works.

On the other hand, independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Joe ally, praised the pause on big bombs, calling it a “first step” towards holding Israel accountable. “Our leverage is clear,” Sanders said. “Over the years, the United States has provided tens of billions of dollars in military aid to Israel. We can no longer be complicit in Netanyahu’s horrific war against the Palestinian people.”
Israeli officials, including Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan, have expressed disappointment and frustration over the decision, suggesting that it stems from political pressure on Joe from Congress, campus protests, and the upcoming election.

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