The Acting Rector of Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, NCAT, Zaria, Shaka Imaglighwe revealed the unfortunate sale of two helicopters meant for training purposes

The Acting Rector Of Nigerian College Of Aviation Technology, Ncat, Zaria, Shaka Imaglighwe Revealed The Unfortunate Sale Of Two Helicopters Meant For Training Purposes

The acting Rector of the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, NCAT, Zaria, Shaka Imaglighwe , disclosed a concerning revelation during an inquiry into the sale of two helicopters. Imalighwe confirmed that the institution lacks helicopters designated for training purposes. This revelation sheds light on a critical deficiency within the college’s infrastructure, potentially impacting the quality of aviation education and training offered to students.

The statement of Shaka Imaglighwe underscores the gravity of the situation, especially considering the vital role helicopters play in aviation training. Helicopter training is essential for preparing pilots for diverse real-world scenarios, including search and rescue operations, aerial surveys, and offshore transport. The absence of such training assets raises questions about the college’s ability to provide comprehensive aviation education and adequately prepare students for the challenges of the industry.

Shaka Imaglighwe: Interim Leadership and Oversight Concerns

Shaka Imalighwe assumed interim leadership of NCAT in January 2024, adding another layer of complexity to the situation. As the interim Rector, Imalighwe faces the daunting task of addressing the institutional challenges inherited from previous administrations while steering the college towards a more sustainable future. However, his tenure coincides with critical inquiries into past decisions, such as the sale of helicopters, further complicating his role and responsibilities.

The assertion of Shaka Imalighwe that he was not involved in the committee responsible for facilitating the helicopter sales raises questions about the oversight mechanisms within NCAT. The lack of clarity regarding decision-making processes and accountability structures highlights potential gaps in governance and administration, which must be addressed to ensure transparency and integrity within the institution.

Concerns Raised by the House of Representatives Committee

The House of Representatives Committee on Public Assets expressed profound concern over the sale of helicopters intended for training purposes to private individuals. Chairman Rep. Ademorin Kuye emphasized the discrepancy between the college’s mandate to provide aviation training and the decision to divest essential training assets. This misalignment raises questions about the prioritization of institutional interests and underscores the need for greater scrutiny and accountability in asset management.

Rep. Kuye’s remarks reflect broader concerns within the committee regarding the transparency and legality of the helicopter sale. The decision to sell assets of strategic importance without adequate consultation or consideration for alternative stakeholders, such as security agencies, raises red flags about potential procedural irregularities and calls into question the motives behind the transaction.

Shaka Imaglighwe: Inquiry into Sale Procedure and Accountability

The committee’s decision to summon key stakeholders, including former and current Ministers of Aviation, the Ministry of Works, Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOFI), and previous and current Rectors of NCAT, signals a concerted effort to unravel the complexities surrounding the helicopter sale. By bringing together relevant parties, the committee aims to conduct a thorough investigation into the sale procedure, identify lapses in governance, and hold accountable those responsible for any misconduct or negligence.

The inquiry will likely focus on establishing a clear timeline of events leading to the sale of the helicopters, examining the decision-making process, and evaluating compliance with regulatory requirements and institutional policies. Additionally, the committee will seek to ascertain the rationale behind the sale, assess the impact on NCAT’s operations and reputation, and propose remedial measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Shaka Imaglighwe: Ministerial Accountability and Oversight

The decision to summon former and current Ministers of Aviation underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring accountability and transparency in the management of public assets. As custodians of the aviation sector, ministers bear a significant responsibility to oversee the proper utilization and safeguarding of resources within institutions like NCAT. By holding them to account, the committee aims to uphold the principles of good governance and restore public trust in the regulatory framework governing aviation education and training.

The ministerial testimony will be crucial in providing insights into the policy framework, regulatory oversight, and decision-making processes that influenced the sale of the helicopters. Ministers will be expected to clarify their role in approving or supervising the transaction, address any shortcomings in oversight, and outline measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. Their testimony will play a pivotal role in informing the committee’s recommendations and shaping reforms within the aviation sector.

Shaka Imaglighwe: Enhancing Accountability and Sustainability in Nigerian Aviation, The Imperative of the Investigative Hearing

The upcoming investigative hearing signifies a crucial juncture for both the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT) and the wider aviation sector within Nigeria. This event presents an invaluable opportunity to scrutinize prevailing structural deficiencies, institute corrective measures, and instigate transformative reforms geared towards bolstering transparency, accountability, and operational efficiency.

Through inclusive engagement with stakeholders, the committee endeavors to cultivate an ethos of accountability, rejuvenate public trust, and fortify NCAT’s standing as a premier institution for aviation instruction. Consequently, it is incumbent upon all concerned parties to wholeheartedly collaborate with the inquiry, adhere unwaveringly to ethical and professional standards, and pledge unwavering commitment to the implementation of requisite reforms, thereby safeguarding the future trajectory of aviation education and training in Nigeria.

Moving forward, concerted efforts must be channeled towards fostering an environment of cooperation and transparency among all stakeholders. By embracing a collaborative approach, fostering transparent dialogue, and prioritizing institutional integrity, the aviation industry can embark on a path towards sustained excellence and relevance. Therefore, it is imperative for every stakeholder to actively contribute to the investigative process, adhere steadfastly to the principles of integrity and professionalism, and collectively champion the implementation of necessary reforms. Through collective dedication and concerted action, NCAT and the broader aviation community can aspire to achieve enduring progress, ensuring the enduring vitality and resilience of aviation education and training endeavors within Nigeria.

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